Here’s today’s Coffee with Hooligans ☕ 01/04/2024

We talked about-
Comer on what could happen to those the on Epstein list, Gov Noem talking about Trump ballot removal, Protesters are being talked about as domestic terrorists, Follow-up on the man arrested for breaking into Colorado Supreme Court building, J6 shaman calling hypocrisy, Jimmy Kimmel threatens legal action against Aaron Rodgers over Epstein list comment, Propaganda coming out saying Trump is leaning and wobbling as if he’s unwell, Biden New Years Spoof, and More!!


Picture of JeffMAC<span class="bp-verified-badge"></span>


JeffMAC is a Michigan audio engineer turned investigative broadcaster. His dedication that is unmatched in the news and entertainment industry. Jeff began his start during the riots of 2020. Along the way he has built a investigation and research team that rivals multi- billion dollar corporations. JeffMAC has documented landmark cases including January 6, George Floyd, and Kyle Rittenhouse. Just to name a few. He is dedicated to getting the truth out at all cost. Following the story from start to finish. Showing the latest trends and controversy. So join the live and learn what current events are happening, hangout with the Hooligans, and have some laughs!

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